Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stolen Peanut Butter Cookies

Ok so I have to admit that the recipe I am about to share was stolen from this website...Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies but I added some chocolate chips and found that it needed extra baking soda so that should count for something in the effort department! Besides, I would be doing a disservice to you lazy chefs out there if I failed to include a cookie recipe that was this easy!

That said, I must caution you that preggos and cookie lovers like me now have access to cookies 24/7, and that's a scary thought.


1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
2 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350. Blend your baking soda, egg and sugar together for stirring convenience and then throw in your peanut butter. Spray your cooking pan with some pam or whatever you use and drop the cookie dough on the sheet in little balls. You dont really have to press them criss cross with a fork unless you want to, the flavor wont change. Stick the pan in the oven for about 10 minutes and set a timer reminding you to get them back out. Lick your whisk and bowl thoroughly. Please note that while this is a crucial cookie making step, that you could get salmonella from the egg. This is a risk one must take to ensure good cookies. When your timer goes off, remove your cookies and attack anybody who tries to touch them with your whisk until they are cool enough to eat.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

High Dollar Mac and Cheese

So tonight I made some amazing italian pasta and I am almost hesitant to share this gem with you. But seeing as how easy it was to make, I feel I have to uphold my obligation to you fellow lazy chefs out there. I am calling it High Dollar Mac and Cheese because it makes it sound even easier to make.


2 boxes of mac and cheese
2 frozen burgers
garlic salt
italian seasoning

Boil your water and heat a pan. Yes, I know, using 2 pieces of cookware is slightly harder and less lazy than a usual recipe but try to hang in there. When the pan is heated, throw both burgers in there and let 'em sit till they bleed. When your water is boiled, throw both boxes of mac and cheese into the water. Take one packet of the cheese powder and stick it in a cupboard to be happily discovered later.

Occasionally stir your boiling noodles. When your burgers look bloody, flip them and let them sit some more. Pour a few ounces of wine, half a stick of butter, some garlic salt and some italian seasoning in there with the burgers. Use your spatula to smash the burgers into little tiny bits. When the meat doesnt look pink anymore, set your mixture on simmer.

When your noodles are white and floppy, drain them in the sink really well. Now put it back in the pot. Pour your meat combo in, along with the single packet of cheese sauce. Stir it all up and thank your lazy chef angel for deciding to give you this recipe after all. And give yourself a pat on the back for being willing to use a pot AND a pan!