Monday, June 4, 2012

$15 Dollar Salad

You know how restaurants tend to have fancy and colorful salads for outrageous prices? Well, I invented one of those this morning in a mad scramble to make food with two sick kids yelling at me. I don't have much time to make jokes and describe it since I will be screamed at again any second. At least know I can still eat gourmet food while playing super mommy.


1 can artichoke hearts
1 can beans (your choice but I don't recommend refried)
1 can green beans
Shredded Chicken
2 TBSP mayonnaise
1 TSP honey
lemon pepper *
*All spices are to taste

Open the cans and toss the ingredients into a medium sized bowl. Now walk away for 10 minutes to deal with your sick, screaming children and forget you were making food. When the house quiets down, wander back into the kitchen and finish making food. Add the mayo, honey and spices and mix it all up wildly.

Throw some lettuce on a plate and then toss some shredded chicken on top of it. Scoop a bunch of your can concoction on the top of that and eat as fast as you can because the whining has already started back up.  Serves four and you now have a salad that you would normally pay $8-15 dollars for and minus the 10 minute child hiatus, it took less than 5 minutes to make!

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